Ghostty, My new daily driver (sorry Alacritty)

3 mins read




Over the years, I’ve had the chance to use a wide range of terminal emulators, Windows Terminal, Alacritty, st, and many others. Each had its quirks, strengths, and weaknesses, but none ever felt like the perfect fit.

Then came the public release of Ghostty 1.0. Seeing the buzz on Twitter and the excitement from developers raving about its features, I couldn’t resist giving it a try.

And let me tell you, it delivered.

After just a few hours of testing, Ghostty convinced me to make the switch from Alacritty, something I didn’t expect to happen anytime soon. It’s sleek, intuitive, and packed with features I didn’t even realize I needed. In this post, I’ll explore what makes Ghostty special, highlight some of my favorite features, and explain why it’s now my terminal of choice.

What is Ghostty?

Ghostty is a terminal emulator designed to be fast, feature-rich, and cross-platform, utilizing platform-native user interfaces and GPU acceleration.

Developed by Mitchell Hashimoto, known for creating tools like Vagrant and Terraform, Ghostty aims to provide a seamless and efficient command-line experience for developers and system administrators.

Why Ghostty Stands Out

Ghostty isn’t just another terminal emulator, it brings features that truly set it apart. Here are some of my favorite features:


Use kitty to preview images with ranger

  1. Install pillow.
  2. Update your ranger config (it should be under ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf) to include: set preview_images true and set preview_images_method kitty.
  3. Update your Ghostty config to include term=kitty.

and voilà! now you should be able to preview images directly in your terminal.

Ranger showing image preview using kitty

Use Pywal with Ghostty

  1. Create a new template file for ghostty (reference), and place it under ~/.config/wal/templates/colors-ghostty
palette = 0={color0}
palette = 1={color1}
palette = 2={color2}
palette = 3={color3}
palette = 4={color4}
palette = 5={color5}
palette = 6={color6}
palette = 7={color7}
palette = 8={color8}
palette = 9={color9}
palette = 10={color10}
palette = 11={color11}
palette = 12={color12}
palette = 13={color13}
palette = 14={color14}
palette = 15={color15}
background = {background}
foreground = {foreground}
cursor-color = {cursor}
selection-background = {background}
selection-foreground = {foreground}
  1. Update you ghostty config to include theme="/home/<$USER>/.cache/wal/colors-ghostty". Make sure to replace $USER with your user name.

  2. Run Pywal on a wallpaper.

  3. Restart Ghostty and it should work 🚀.

Pywal + Ghostty


For now, I’m making Ghostty my daily driver, and I’m genuinely excited to see how it evolves with future updates. If you’re curious to try it yourself, I highly recommend checking it out.

You can find more details and join the conversation with other users on Ghostty’s Discord or dive straight into it by visiting their official website. Happy hacking!