Setting Up Structured Logging in FastAPI with structlog

8 mins read


A few days ago, I was wandering through the open-source universe, exploring different projects, when I stumbled upon one that caught my attention. As I was going through its code, something stood out, the way it handled logging. The setup was clean, structured, and easy to read. That’s when I noticed it was using structlog.

Curious, I decided to dive deeper. What started as a casual look into logging quickly turned into a two-day deep dive. I found myself nerding out over logging best practices, structured logs, and how modern applications handle observability. That’s what led me to write this blog post, to share what I’ve learned about structured logging and how you can implement it in your FastAPI applications using structlog.

In this blog post, we’ll focus on structured logging, what it is, why it’s better than traditional logging, and how to set it up in FastAPI using structlog. We’ll go step by step, from installation to advanced configurations, ensuring that by the end of this post, you’ll have a solid structured logging setup for your FastAPI application.

Understanding Structured Logging

Traditional logging often produces unstructured text, making it harder to parse and analyze logs at scale. Structured logging, on the other hand, formats logs as key-value pairs or JSON objects, making them machine-readable and easier to filter, search, and analyze.

Instead of logging plain strings like this:

[INFO] User logged in: JohnDoe

Structured logging would store it in a structured format:

{ "level": "info", "event": "User logged in", "username": "JohnDoe" }

This approach makes logs more useful, especially when working with log aggregators, monitoring tools, or cloud services

Introducing structlog

The standard logging module in Python is powerful, but adding context to log messages can be tedious and inconsistent. structlog simplifies this by providing structured, contextual logging out of the box.

Consider these log examples:

DEBUG:__main__:User example triggered deletion of hero 18bcb9d1-9ecd-4297-a7cc-591d0ededf7a
INFO:__main__:Hero 18bcb9d1-9ecd-4297-a7cc-591d0ededf7a deleted successfully

With structlog, we can achieve much more informative and structured logs:

{"timestamp": "2024-05-03T18:58:21.443989Z", "level": "debug", "event": "Triggering deletion of hero", "request_id": "97133231229d4af2a0588e468049261c", "hero_id": "18bcb9d1-9ecd-4297-a7cc-591d0ededf7a", "user_id": "example"}
{"timestamp": "2024-05-03T18:58:21.509100Z", "level": "info", "event": "Hero deleted successfully", "request_id": "97133231229d4af2a0588e468049261c", "hero_id": "18bcb9d1-9ecd-4297-a7cc-591d0ededf7a", "user_id": "example"}

This structured approach makes it easy to track requests, correlate logs across services, and ingest logs into observability platforms.

One of the key features of structlog is bound loggers. Instead of passing extra context with every log statement, you can bind contextual data once and reuse it:

import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger().bind(service="user-service", request_id="abc123")"User logged in", username="JohnDoe")

Which outputs:

"service": "user-service",
"request_id": "abc123",
"level": "info",
"event": "User logged in",
"username": "JohnDoe"

This eliminates repetitive code and ensures every log contains the necessary context.

Integrating Structlog with FastAPI

Now that we’ve covered the basics of structured logging and introduced structlog, it’s time to dive into setting it up in a FastAPI application.

Install structlog

Terminal window
python -m pip install structlog


To make your logging configuration flexible, extend your settings with logging parameters using pydantic-settings.
from enum import StrEnum
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings, SettingsConfigDict
class Environment(StrEnum):
development = "development"
production = "production"
# testing = "testing" - I don't write tests that's why this is commented out...
class Settings(BaseSettings):
ENV: Environment = Environment.development
DEBUG: bool = False

Configuring the logger

The core of our logging setup revolves around Structlog, which uses processors to format, filter, and enrich log entries. Processors are functions that take a log event, modify it, and pass it along to the next processor in the chain. This modular approach allows us to customize the logging pipeline to suit our needs.

Here’s the complete file for reference:
import logging.config
import uuid
from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar
import structlog
from structlog.typing import EventDict
from src.config import settings
RendererType = TypeVar("RendererType")
Logger = structlog.stdlib.BoundLogger
def get_level() -> str:
return settings.LOG_LEVEL
def drop_color_message_key(_, __, event_dict: EventDict) -> EventDict:
Uvicorn logs the message a second time in the extra `color_message`, but we don't
need it. This processor drops the key from the event dict if it exists.
event_dict.pop("color_message", None)
return event_dict
class Logging(Generic[RendererType]):
"""Customized implementation inspired by the following documentation:
timestamper = structlog.processors.TimeStamper(fmt="iso")
shared_processors = [
def get_processors(cls) -> list[Any]:
if settings.is_production():
return cls.shared_processors + [
def get_renderer(cls) -> RendererType:
raise NotImplementedError()
def configure_stdlib(
) -> None:
level = get_level()
if settings.is_production():
"version": 1,
"disable_existing_loggers": True,
"formatters": {
"myLogger": {
"()": structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter,
"processors": [
"foreign_pre_chain": cls.shared_processors,
"handlers": {
"default": {
"level": level,
"class": "logging.StreamHandler",
"formatter": "myLogger",
"loggers": {
"": {
"handlers": ["default"],
"level": level,
"propagate": False,
# Propagate third-party loggers to the root one
logger: {
"handlers": [],
"propagate": True,
for logger in [
def configure_structlog(cls) -> None:
def configure(cls) -> None:
class Development(Logging[]):
def get_renderer(cls) ->
class Production(Logging[structlog.processors.JSONRenderer]):
def get_renderer(cls) -> structlog.processors.JSONRenderer:
return structlog.processors.JSONRenderer()
def configure() -> None:
if settings.is_development():
def generate_correlation_id() -> str:
return str(uuid.uuid4())

In our file, we define a set of shared processors that are used across both development and production environments, in production, we also add the format_exc_info processor to include exception tracebacks in the logs.

Integrating with Python’s Logging Module

To ensure compatibility with third-party libraries that use Python’s standard logging module, we configure a custom formatter (ProcessorFormatter) that converts traditional logs into Structlog’s structured format. This is done using the logging.config.dictConfig method, which allows us to define:

  • A custom formatter (myLogger) that uses Structlog’s ProcessorFormatter to process logs.

  • A StreamHandler to output logs to the console.

  • Loggers for third-party libraries like Uvicorn, SQLAlchemy, and Arq, which are configured to propagate their logs to the root logger.

This setup ensures that all logs, whether they originate from our application or third-party libraries, are formatted consistently and enriched with structured information.

Development vs. Production Logging

We’ve implemented two logging configurations: one for development and one for production.

  • Development: Uses ConsoleRenderer to output colorful, human-readable logs to the console. This is ideal for debugging and local development.

  • Production: Uses JSONRenderer to output logs in JSON format. This makes it easier to parse and analyze logs using tools like ELK Stack, Datadog, or Splunk.

Correlation IDs for Traceability

To improve traceability across distributed systems, we’ve added a utility function (generate_correlation_id) to generate unique correlation IDs. These IDs can be added to the logging context using Structlog’s contextvars integration, ensuring that all logs related to a single request share the same correlation ID.

Adding Correlation ID Middleware

A correlation ID is a unique identifier that is passed along with a request and included in all logs related to that request. This allows us to trace the flow of a request through the system, even when it spans multiple services.

In our FastAPI application, we achieve this by creating a custom middleware called LogCorrelationIdMiddleware. This middleware generates a unique correlation ID for each incoming HTTP request and binds it to the logging context using Structlog’s contextvars integration. Here’s how it works:
import structlog
from starlette.types import ASGIApp, Receive, Scope, Send
from src.logging import generate_correlation_id
class LogCorrelationIdMiddleware:
def __init__(self, app: ASGIApp) -> None: = app
async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
if scope["type"] != "http":
return await, receive, send)
await, receive, send)
structlog.contextvars.unbind_contextvars("correlation_id", "method", "path")

Bring it all together

To use the middleware in your FastAPI application, simply add it to your app:
from fastapi import FastAPI
from src.middlewares import LogCorrelationIdMiddleware
from src.loggins import configure as configure_logging
app = FastAPI()

Using the logger

Now that we have everything configured, we can finally go ahead and use our new logger. Here is a simple example that shows the general usage pattern:

import uuid
from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException
from fastapi_async_sqlalchemy import db
import structlog
from src.logging import Logger
from src.models import models, schemas
from src.crud import crud_hero
logger: Logger = structlog.get_logger()
router = APIRouter(prefix="/hero", tags=["heroes"])
# Demonstrate logger usage
@router.get("/{hero_id}/ability", response_model=schemas.HeroSchema)
async def get_hero_ability(hero_id: uuid.UUID):
# Bind requested log ID
hero = await crud_hero.get(db.session, hero_id)
if not hero:
logger.warning("Hero not found")
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Hero not found")
await db.session.refresh(hero, attribute_names=["ability"])"Successfully fetched hero ability")
return hero.ability


Setting up structured logging with Structlog and FastAPI is a game-changer for debugging, monitoring, and maintaining your application. While there’s more to explore, like exception handling, integrating observability tools such as Logfire, and other advanced techniques, this guide serves as a solid introduction to logging. With the basics in place, you’re well-equipped to build on this foundation and tailor your logging setup to your needs.

Thanks for reading this far! Autobots, Roll Out.

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